Embracing Life

Success Stories

Kirstin Nelson

Kirstin Nelson is a mentor at Children North. She has taken it upon herself to dive in and gain the trust of the youth she works with. Kirstin shows respect and dignity to everyone she meets. She is compassionate, kind, and caring, and has made a positive difference to many young members of her community. […]

Eric Choquette

Eric Choquette is a mentor at Children North. He would do anything to help another person. Eric has been through a lot in his life but instead of letting that get him down, he has thrived and made himself into an amazing role model who his mentees love. His ability to relate and work with […]

Derek Konga- 2021 Youth Mentor Award

Derek is the epitome of a youth mentor; as a teacher, he consistently goes above and beyond for our young people. He is a tireless advocate for traditional knowledge and offers wonderful spaces in his classes to introduce the concepts to all students. As a coach, he elevates his athletes; it is not just about […]

Kiskaciwan Community Garden -2021 Northern Project

The Kiskaciwan community garden has been a project where adult and youth mentors have been working and empowering youth to plant, maintain and harvest their own food on Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Urban Reserve lands. Last year they harvested over 3000 lbs of potatoes, as well as corn, strawberries, squash, peas, onions, garlic and pumpkins. […]

Heaven Smith- 2021 Youth Mentor Award

Heaven Smith is an amazing young leader in Pinehouse, not only was she a New North Leadership Pathfinder – she is constantly looking for new creative ways to engage youth in her community in a positive manner.  From radio ads of empowering messaging, a mental wellness letter writing campaign, performing skits with youth on positive […]

Shane Bird – 2021 Cultural Champion

Shane is the definition of cultural champion. He is passionate about showcasing and presenting amazing cultural and traditional ways to young people. He has an engaging way of introducing and inviting youth to learn to drum and sing which leads to confidence, positive reinforcement and the development of a safe space for young people. Shane […]